Phantasy Punk (n.)

  1. Rare and impossible things, often presented in loud, fast-moving ways.
  2. A short story written by Josh Storey, published by Kaleidotrope.
  3. This website.

About Josh

As with most authors, Josh has collected an eclectic list of other job titles, from barista to arts manager to freelance marketing consultant. In truth, however, there are only three things he ever wanted to be when he grew up: an astronaut, Superman, and a writer.

Since he’s no good at math and (as far as his parents will admit) not from Krypton, he’s going for option three.

Social Stuff

You can find him in most places as @Soless (long story, don't ask), including Twitter and Instagram.


Not quite yet, but if you sign up, I guarantee you'll quickly forget you ever did so, and then, one fateful day, probably in one of the colder months (if you live in a place that has those), you'll eventually receive the first message in your inbox. You'll wonder briefly what the heck it is, and maybe you'll delete it automatically, or maybe you'll take a chance reading it, and then you'll be pleasantly surprised by the contents within, and won't that be fun?

"The White Ship" by Kim Holm used under the Creative Commons Attributor 4.0 Unported License